Streamline your email workflow with the new activity feed

Stay agile, make data-driven decisions and proactively manage customer relationships with Email for Trello’s new activity feed

Email for Trello’s new CRM features make it easier than ever to manage your contacts and emails. From improved contact import/export to the ability to add custom notes to contacts, your team has access to the information that matters – without ever leaving Trello.

The activity feed is a key part of our new feature release! It’s designed to help your team view all recent emails and notes at a glance, so that you can streamline communication, improve working habits and build a better business. Here, we take a closer look at how it works and how to use it to your best advantage.

To open the activity feed, simply click on the SendBoard icon at the top of your Trello board.

How to use Email for Trello’s activity feed

Easily access information

Quickly locate contact information, notes, and associated tasks from the new activity feed! By consolidating all your Trello information in one place, you can easily review activity across all boards, contacts, notes and emails. 

To use the search functionality, type your search terms into the ‘Search activities’ bar at the top of the activity dashboard and hit enter. Use the ‘All boards’ toggle to include results from all boards in your Trello workspace, or keep it unchecked to restrict results to your current board.

Search email contacts, notes and emails across all Trello boards in your workspace

Search contacts, notes and emails across all Trello boards in your workspace

COMING SOON After introducing the new activity feed, we realized this feature could be even more powerful! We’re already working on improved search functionality and more flexible filters, so that the activity feed can become the go-to dashboard for your entire Trello workflow. Watch this space – there’s more to come!

Keep your finger on the pulse 

With the information you need readily available, you can use the activity feed to keep your finger on the pulse and respond to changes in your business as and when they happen.

  • Stay agile. Because your emails, contacts and tasks are visible at a glance, it’s easier to spot bottlenecks and pivot quickly – ultimately ensuring better client service.

  • Visibility = accountability. Everyone can see work and communication unfolding in real time, which fosters a sense of ownership within the team and encourages timely responses to incoming emails. 

  • Collaborate in real time. With all email interactions and the relevant context (like contact notes and Trello comments) visible, it’s much easier to effectively collaborate with colleagues, prioritize tasks and allocate resources.

Email for Trello activity feed with an annotation pointing towards a note about one of Pet Cuts' contacts, Betty Williams.

Time-stamped contact notes are visible alongside emails and comments in the activity feed

Discover new business insights

Being able to quickly react to real-time events is great, but the activity view is also invaluable for discovering new business insights – and taking proactive steps to improve your business operations. 

  • Monitor activity – with a goal in mind. Although access to information is helpful, interpreting that information well is the key to success. The ability to view team and contact activity across accounts will help you to see what’s being done – and plan for how to improve. 

  • Make data-driven decisions. The new activity view can help you spot trends and notice areas for improvement. Using this knowledge, you can apply your insights for better team communication, contact engagement and task management . 

  • Manage relationships proactively. Because you’re up to date with important details, discussions and deadlines,  you can focus your time and energy on fostering stronger client relationships. 

A screenshot of Pet Cuts' contact, Jane Doe, with an annotation saying 'View contact activity'.

Use the contact overview to see when last you engaged with a contact – and plan to improve your communication, outreach or sales accordingly

Transform your workflow with Email for Trello’s activity feed

With the activity feed as a central hub for all contacts, notes and emails, Email for Trello empowers your team to streamline communication, enhance collaboration and build a more efficient business.

Keep an eye on upcoming releases as we continue to improve the search functionality, making the activity feed your ultimate Trello dashboard.


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