New Trello variables for even better Saved Replies

Great news! We’ve added a whole lot of new Trello variables to our Saved Reply feature in SendBoard, giving you more options and flexibility for your automated emails. 

Variables are a great way to personalise your Saved Replies and offer your customers up-to-date, relevant information. All without having to lift a finger! For the full list of new variables and how to use them, head over to our help article.

Not sure how saved replies work? Check out this article: Use Saved Replies to respond faster. Note that saved replies are only available on our Pro Plan

We never miss a chance to nerd-out about email automation, so here’s a practical use case demonstrating the power of variables and Saved Replies in SendBoard.

The power of Saved Replies

Bob the Builder is looking for a quick and easy way to send his customers email updates about ongoing construction projects.

Using variables

Bob creates a new Saved Reply in SendBoard called ‘Status Update’ and populates it with the following variables:

  • {%recipientFirstname%} This is the First name of the email recipient (e.g. Jane)

  • {%card.firstmemberfullname%} This is the full name of the first team-member listed on the card (e.g. Darryl)

  • {} The name/title of the Trello card (e.g. New Front Door installation)

  • {%card.duedate%} The due date of the card (e.g. Jul 09, 2021 12:00 PM)

  • {%card.checkliststate%} This will output a formatted text with the state of all the checklists on the card, useful to add a comment with a snapshot of the state of a card's tasks.

Here’s what the Saved Reply looks like, including all of the above variables

Here’s what the Saved Reply looks like, including all of the above variables

Inserting the Saved Reply

To send a Trello status update via email, Bob starts writing an email and types # to search through his Saved Replies. By typing “#sta” the Saved Reply with keyword “status” shows up.

Send an email from Trello with Trello checklist and Trello due date

When he selects the Saved Reply, the email content automatically populates and the variables are replaced with the relevant values from the Trello card and the email thread. 

Putting it all together

Bob hits send and his customer receives a timeous, relevant email about their project status.

Gmail view of the email sent from Trello with Trello card details as variables

For the full list of new variables and how to use them, head over to our help article.


Email at a glance: Trello’s new Timeline and Calendar views


How to forward an email to a Trello card – new feature